Resolume 6 Training: Color Schemes

This tutorial explains how to create color themes in Resolume. We show how to create a color scheme across all layers that can be used for an entire performance and adapt to event lighting. We demonstrate how to create color palettes and use color effects that colorize all content to a specific selection of colors.

→ Next Lesson: Video Playback

Resolume 6 Training: Uniformity

This tutorial demonstrates how to change the color of content in Resolume. By using the Color Pass, Colorize, and Hue Rotate effects we show you ways to eliminate colors, apply specific colors, and cycle the color of your content or footage for a more uniform look.

→ Next Lesson: Color Schemes

Resolume 6 Tutorial: RGBA, Additive, Subtractive

This tutorial explains how to add and subtract color in Resolume using the RGBA color mode. We explain RGBA color channels and how to use the Add/Subtract effect to isolate colors for a more cohesive composition.

→ Next Lesson: Uniformity

Resolume 6 Tutorial: Hue, Saturation, Brightness

This tutorial is an overview of Hue, Saturation, and Brightness in Resolume. We explain the general concept of HSB and how it works to generate color. We demonstrate how the Hue Rotate and Saturation effects can be used to manipulate colors.

→ Next Lesson: RGBA, Additive, Subtractive

Resolume 6 Tutorial: Contrast

This tutorial explains how to adjust contrast using the Bright.Contrast and Levels effects in Resolume. We demonstrate how to control brightness values to accommodate various lighting situations or to enhance your overall composition.

→ Next Lesson: Hue, Saturation, Brightness