Resolume 6 Tutorial: LED Stage Mapping

This tutorial demonstrates the process of video mapping on LED panels in Resolume. We discuss how LED processors are designed and how you can use the Advanced Output to display content onto the exact portions of an LED video signal. We show you how to properly resize and position the slices from Input Selection to match LED processor specifications. When mapping onto a stage with multiple LED panels, we show how a 4 screen LED setup would work by using a photo as a guide and roughly matching the stage configuration. Lastly, we provide examples for using the Slice Transform effect to display content onto specific LED screens or panels.

Resolume 6 Tutorial: Structure Mapping

This tutorial demonstrates projection mapping on a poylgonal structure in Resolume. We show you how to set up an input map on the 5 faces of a pentagon stage by creating an ideal model which is then aligned to the actual structure with a projector. Some of the concepts we go over are using a photo as a guide to get the correct proportions of each pentagon face, how to use the Advanced Output tools efficiently, using math in Resolume’s interface to get precise angles, and how to ensure that content is displayed in the middle of an object. We also cover how the Slice Transform effect can be used to trigger content on specific faces of the pentagon.

→ Next Lesson: LED Stage Mapping

Resolume 6 Tutorial: Projection Mapping Basics

This tutorial goes over the basics of projection mapping in Resolume. We provide a hands-on demonstration showing how to set up your composition and create slices for a stage of four squares. We cover the Advanced Output tools and how to use them, input mapping via Input Selection, projection mapping on your physical stage using Output Transformation, and using the Slice Transform effect to project onto specific parts of a stage. We also go over how to use effects creatively to alter the look of our projected visuals.

→ Next Lesson: Structure Mapping