This Serato Video tutorial demonstrates an alternate, more flexible way to record video DJ mixes from Serato Video by using Syphon technology on the Mac. We show you how to setup Syphon Recorder, a free software package to capture both audio and video output from Serato and discuss all the various settings for optimal quality.

By using Syphon to record your video mixes, you have the option of choosing various codecs and output resolutions to save video that is both post-production friendly and of higher quality.

↓ Download Syphon Recorder

Music in this tutorial by:
Vezzen and Joob

4 thoughts on “Serato Video Tutorial: Record Video DJ Mixes with Syphon”

  1. Jeff

    I can’t get syphon to pick up my audio in Serato Video. I’m using a MacBook Pro 10.10.3 with a pioneer DDJ SZ. Any tips? Thanks

    • docoptic

      You may want to try and run the output of your DDJ-SZ into a USB audio interface on your computer and pick up the audio that way. Not familiar with that hardware, but if your computer can see it as an audio interface you may be able to use something like Sound Siphon or Soundflower to route the audio.

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