Live Visuals Session // 081217

This live visuals session consists of 3 layers. The abstract background is affected by distortion, displacement, and colorization effects. The middle layer, which is a triangular 3D shape, is cloned in a circular kaleidoscopic formation. Lastly, the front layer, which is a center-weighted 3D element. To play along with the beat, the lighting effect was triggered manually by tapping a key mapped to a MIDI controller, and the triangular layer’s line effect was manually tweaked with a rotary/knob on the same MIDI controller. Colors were adjusted to create a complementary look across all layers.

Visuals used in this session:
• DOC016 Shapeshifters
• DOC017 Chromacurrents

GrandVJ Tutorial: Basics to Mixing Live Visuals

This tutorial is all you need to get started mixing live visuals with ArKaos GrandVJ & GrandVJ XT. All the fundamental features are explained such as layers, copy modes (blending modes), transitions, faders, effects, and triggering visuals sourced from HAP encoded video files.

The interface and its functions are explained in-depth, with a focus on getting started quickly. All basics are covered, you will be able to load visuals, create layered compositions, and have your visuals ready to be displayed to an audience on an external display after viewing this training for version 2.3+ of ArKaos GrandVJ (and XT).

New Resolume Tutorial: Remix Content with Alpha Channels

Resolume Tutorial - Remix Content with Alpha Channels

Get the most out of your content with alpha channels with our latest Resolume tutorial. Let us show you how to create new shapes, formations, and interesting backgrounds using loops that have transparency. If you own Shapeshifters, this can provide you with new ways to create custom loop all within Resolume.

→ Resolume – Remix Content with Alpha Channels Tutorial

Resolume Tutorial: Remix Content with Alpha Channels

All things alpha channels are explained in this tutorial for Resolume Arena 4 & 5, and Avenue 4. You will learn how content with alpha channels work, along with some of the advantages of using single element loops such as shapes. Techniques to create variations from your existing alpha content are explained, specifically shapes and formations using the Kaleidoscope and Iterate effects.

This tutorial also goes step-by-step to show you ways to create versatile backgrounds using a mix of Transform properties and various effects such as VideoWall and Mirror. Backgrounds that are easily customizable and can further extend the use of your existing content.

The methods outlined allow you to add remixed content to your collection easily using the power of Resolume. Some of these techniques work well with non-alpha content so be sure to try them out to get the most out of your library.

→ View Shapeshifters for 50 looping shapes with alpha channel

Live Visuals Session // 070517

In this session, our live visuals are made up of a centered element with alpha channel/full transparency with two background elements. The blurry purple digital lines are mirrored and sit at the bottom of the composition while a tiled hexagonal object works as a secondary background. The hexagonal tiled background is audio reactive and its opacity is triggered on the kick drum of the audio track. A glow effect was applied over the entire composition.

→ Watch Resolume Tutorial on Remixing Content with Alpha Channels

Visuals used in this session:
• DOC014 Tracearrays
• DOC016 Shapeshifters

Shapeshifters Visuals Now Available

Live Visuals / VJ Loops - Shapeshifters

We are extremely excited to present to you our biggest set of visuals to date, Shapeshifters. 50 VJ loops of dynamic, glowing, geometric shapes perfect for layering, tiling, abstract compositions, and projection mapping. This is also the first set we’ve released that has the alpha channel included meaning that there is no background and each visuals contains full transparency. We hope you find this set useful in your live visuals and post-production. Be sure to share any works with us on social media and we’ll give you a like our shoutout!

→ Shapeshifters (Set)

Glowzones Visuals Now Available

Live Visuals / VJ Loops - Glowzones

We’re really excited to present to you our latest set of visuals, Glowzones. This is a set of 3D modeled set pieces and spaces built with the idea to transport audiences into unique settings and environments.

Free VJ Loops / Live Visuals - Flo Bay

Also included in this release is a free VJ loop based on this set called Flo Bay. Download it today to get a taste of Glowzones! As always, we sincerely thank you for your support and for the positive feedback we receive from you all.

→ Glowzones (Set)
→ Flo Bay (Free VJ Loop)

Chinese, German, & Spanish Subtitles for Resolume Training

Official Resolume Training |

Updated: Resolume’s translation team just added Portuguese (Portugues – Brasil) and Polish (Polski) subtitles!

Official Resolume Training has just added three new languages: German (Deutsch), Spanish (Español), and Chinese, in addition to English subtitles. We’re hoping this will make the training more accessible to non-English speaking Resolume users. Be on the lookout for even more translations in the future!

→ Learn More and Watch 5 Free Lessons at