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Resolume just released an update for Arena & Avenue 4, version 4.2! Also new is the DXV 3 codec which reduces file sizes and improves playback of video files in Resolume. Here are some of the new features:

[NEW] Two SMPTE inputs
[NEW] DXV 3.0 Codec
[NEW] Respect Bypass on slices with layer input
[NEW] Mac QuickLook plugin to show DXV thumbnails and previews in Finder
[NEW] Show Display Info has more detailed info
[NEW] Deck focus is the default focus instead of Layer
[NEW] Noisy Effect, Noisy Blend Mode, Grid Effect
[NEW] New demo footage deck

Visit the Resolume blog to see all the bug fixes and more information regarding this release.

→ Resolume 4.2 and DXV 3 codec announcement on Resolume’s blog
→ Download the 4.2 update for Resolume Arena & Avenue 4

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